Home Seller Tips come in handy during the pre-listing stage of selling your home.

Today, we’re going to talk about lighting. It’s one of the easiest and most affordable home seller tips and the impact is HUGE! You probably don’t even need to buy anything other than some light bulbs.

Little investment, BIG return!

home seller tips light bulbs
lamps home lighting

Lighting – Home Seller Tips

In general, lighting can have a very positive effect on potential home buyers or a very negative effect.

The solution is simple but I wanted to take a moment and explain the “Why.”

Knowing the reason helps home sellers realize how important an element lighting is when preparing your home for sale.

Why is lighting so key?

There are 3 main reasons to give your lighting some attention when preparing.

If your home doesn’t have enough light, it can appear to buyers that it is in less than stellar condition and can actually age the home.

Those are two negative emotions we definitely don’t want buyers to think or feel about your home!

Dated homes in rough condition don’t sell fast or for top dollar. 

#1 – Photographs

photo lightingMost professional photographers will ask that you turn on all lights for the photo appointment. This includes all ceiling, wall and lamp lighting – inside and outside of your home.

They want your photos to resemble that “magazine” look that captures people’s attention in a good way. They more light, the better.

Don’t worry that it’s too much light. The photographer can fix any overexposure during the editing process.

#2 – During Showings

Dark homes or rooms are an immediate turn off to buyers and cause them to think things like:

  • What’s trying to be hidden?
  • The rooms and home are small (dark=small)
  • Is it clean?

Dark rooms appear small and dirty (even when they aren’t!) And they get the mind thinking that the sellers have something to hide about the homes’ condition.

Again, all negative emotions and thoughts. We don’t want this!

#3 – During Inspections

If your home has burnt out light bulbs, most inspectors will note on their report that the “light fixture did not work at time of inspection.”

The inspector does not know if it’s due to a burnt out bulb, faulty light fixture or faulty wiring. They are not allowed to change bulbs to see if that fixes it.

This immediately puts a negative connotation on the inspection and may cause buyers to worry unnecessarily about the condition and upkeep of the home.

Thankfully, all of this can be avoided while you are preparing your home for sale.

How Can You – the Home Seller – Improve Your Lighting?

First things first…

  • check every single light bulb in your home, inside and out, and make sure they are working. If not, replace the bulb.
  • If the light fixture still doesn’t work, consider replacing it! Amazon has some wonderful lighting at very affordable prices!
  • Turn on all the lights/lamps in a room and open the blinds and curtains. If you still still dark places, buy an affordable table or floor lamp to brighten it up!
home selling tips

Home Seller Tips for Lighting

Remember, light enhances a home’s features.

It makes rooms feel larger, more modern and will be much more inviting to potential buyers.

It’s worth the time to change bulbs and add or replace light fixtures that need it.

It will also avoid problems during the home inspection phase.

It’s a win-win that could mean more money and selling your home faster.

That’s worth it, right?

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